Follow Friday - YA Highway

This week's Follow Friday is YA Highway
The header for the site reads:
nomadic novelists celebrate fiction's most exciting age group: young adult
Umm... So, have I done my job here? Show of hands, based on that one line, who DOESN'T want to follow these guys? I thought so.
This is a great looking site that offers a slew -- yes, a SLEW -- of useful, entertaining information for YA readers and writers. Book reviews, craft tips, industry news, contests... It's all there, delivered with style and wit.
Members include Kody Keplinger of THE DUFF awesomeness, Kirsten Hubbard, whose LIKE MANDARINS debuts March 2011, as well as several up-and-comers who have works in progress that have me gnawing at my fingernails.... Want. To. Read!
OK, now are you going follow them? Get on over there. Go now.
I mean it!
Oh, and have a great weekend!


Thanks so much for the shout out - we really appreciate it! :)

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