Blog about Anna and the French Kiss by V

I've got the perfect YA Romance for you: Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins.
Guys, this book has, like, gobs of charm. It is suffused with charm. It is, in fact, charm infested.
The story follows Anna Oliphant, a seventeen year old who is shipped off to France against her will for her senior year of high school.
I'm going to go ahead and tell you she falls in love.... but you'll have to read it to see if I mean with Paris or with a boy. Or both.... (mwah ha ha!)
The characters are superbly drawn, particularly Anna and St. Clair, her love interest. The voice is fresh and engaging, and the plot moves at a great clip. And Paris! Ahhh... I felt like I was climbing the narrow stone steps of Notre Dame with Anna.
This was a perfect light romance that is such fun to read. It's the kind of book you pass on to friends and say, "You've got to read this. It's a blast."
I've already handed my copy off, but I can still tell you, "You've got to read it. It's a blast!
I loved this too! It was possibly my favorite read of 2010. A book that swept me away and made me sigh with happiness. Le sigh.
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