Holding the Umbrella: Thoughts on Writing Community
been thinking a lot about umbrellas lately.
few years ago, I had the opportunity to study wildlife in Malaysian Borneo while on
assignment for Nat Geo Wild. On one leg of the trip, our ecotour group stayed deep in the rainforest along the Lower Kinabatangan River,
a body of water that stretches about 350 miles. While there, we studied diverse animal species – such as orangutans, kingfishers, and proboscis
monkeys – but we all deeply hoped to spot a Borneo pygmy elephant.
Days of unsuccessful tracking went by, an experience that I recounted in this blog post, only stumbling upon signs of the passing elephant herd, like prints
in mud, dung, and crushed vegetation. On the final day of navigating the river, we got
caught in a sudden, windy storm. We were unprepared and our spirits quickly faded. We
were all ready to retreat to the lodge. Just as our boat turned around, our guide got wind of an elephant sighting thirty
minutes upriver. We ventured north, fighting bone-chilling wind, pouring rain, and choppy waters in hopes that we’d see these amazing creatures in their
natural habitat.
When our boat finally slowed, my seatmate Bob – a lawyer from Baltimore, who sat next to me by chance – opened up a small, flimsy umbrella. Together beneath its protective canopy we watched a herd of elephants snorkel across Menangul Creek...
The whole time, Bob held the umbrella above my head, positioning it to protect my equipment so I could snap photographs and capture video. He knew the moment was sacred – fleeting, and magical, and important for us to witness and me to document. When we went out on the boat that day, I didn't know that I'd need Bob there for this assignment – a guy who I'd never met before the expedition, and who I've never seen again since. But there, deep in the rainforest, surrounded by these majestic, beautiful creatures, Bob and I were a team.

of the things I’m most grateful for is the writing
community I’ve discovered in New York City (and I met almost all of them through SCBWI!). Our little band of buddies meets up every Wednesday from about 6-10pm for what
we call Write Nite. While locales, times, and attendees have changed since its 2011 inception, our Write Nite has always been about building community and growing productivity – facing your creative peers, channeling that inner muse, and getting to work. I could go on and on about how awesome these ladies are and how great Write Nite is. We're at all stages of the process – published, agented, unagented, on submission, first-drafting, revising. These ladies totally inspire me.
is crazy – I have a toddler son. I'm balancing a few jobs. Sometimes my calendar is so penmarked with obligations that our lovely, optional Write Nite gets pushed to the side. So I can't always make it. But last night I was there, focused on finishing this massive rewrite of my YA manuscript (as in, I completely dumped the first draft, saved the log line, and started over from scratch. Talk about killing your darlings!). At one point I
turned to my friend Kathryn and said, “I can do this, right?” and she looked me in the eyes and said
firmly, without hesitation, “You can do this.”
held an umbrella over my head with those four words. We closed out the café
and I knocked out 1,600 words, and that’s after deleting nearly 1,000 in this
manuscript. And when Kathryn and I strolled past Bryant Park to our respective subway stations, I felt awesome. So thanks for cheering me on, friend.
Sure – there are times when fighting through the process all by your lonesome has its merits. We face fears. Learn about ourselves and what not. That's a whole other blog post. But there are a lot of times when we need that umbrella to get the job done. I needed it that day on the river in Malaysia, and I needed it last night in midtown Manhattan. I hope that I can hold the umbrella for others as they follow their dreams, the way they've done for me.
In what ways have you felt supported on your writing journey? What type of encouragement to you find especially helpful when you're stuck in a slump, or discouraged about the process, industry, rejection, project, etc? Would love to hear!
And.... cue Rihanna!
*UPDATE* Bob and I have reconnected! Look, he even commented on this blog post, how cool is that? With his permission, I'm adding this photo of him, below – I snapped this after the rain passed on our elephant trek. Just so you know he wasn't stuck under an umbrella the whole time :)
Hey, Jodi, that was truly inspiring and touching. And, the timing couldn't have been better. See - you held up some hope for me, and I'll bet a lot of other people who will be reading this. Thank you!
Great post, Jodi! The type of encouragement I find especially helpful are those little emails that say, "I believe you can do this."
Also, I LOVE those elephant photos, and I let my toddler look at them. You've got another little fan over here in California!
thanks Robin! :)
those emails are the best!
and thank you so much – love that you shared them with your little one! elephants rock!
Awesome post, Jodi! I'm lucky to have a few great umbrella-holders in my life. And elephants are my favorite animals. What an experience you had!
I feel two things about this post:
1. Total and utter inspiration (to write)
2. Total and utter jealousy (of your adventure)
This is such a lovely post, Jodi. And I agree with Bret :).
we will have to talk elephants next time I see you! :)
bret, you've GOT to go to Borneo.... it was probably the best trip of my life. I know you guys would love it!
thanks KC :)
Awww, I love these elephants. And I kind of love Bob too. You are so right about the importance of community to support you through this.
I love Bob too! I went through all my old files & located his email address yesterday, and dropped him a line. I'm hoping he'll write me back...
Without writing community I wouldn't still be writing, and I wouldn't even have a roof over my head. I am going to have to hold up an elephant's weight of umbrellas to equal the kindness and support I've received from my writing community! And, yes, you can do this. Your tenacity and intelligence is obvious from your posts. I can't wait to read the story you're creating for us with such care!
Hi! I was, and am, Bob. I'm flattered to be remembered in such an insightful piece of writing. It's also nice to be loved.
Hi! I was, and am, Bob. I'm flattered to be remembered in such an insightful piece of writing. It's also nice to be loved.
thanks so much, Lia! your comment means a lot <3
BOB!! I'm thrilled you commented and so happy we're back in touch :) I'm buying you a beer next time you visit NYC.
Wow, Borneo is now firmly on my list of places to visit! Beautiful post. I especially love the idea of Write Nite--I need to organize that here in Houston. Thank goodness for the support of the writing community--it makes all the difference.
yes Meredith – get over to Malaysian Borneo! :) and I can't recommend enough the importance of having a weekly creative Write Nite.... has truly been one of the best things in my creative life. keep us posted!
Hi, Bob!
Ha! I love it! Bob Fan Club!! :)
Great post, Jodi! I love the kid lit writing community for this very reason--it's so supportive and loving.
I totally miss Write Nite and seeing you girls more often! Even though I can't make it all the time (or, like, ever), I'm still rooting for all of you and can't wait to hear what comes next in your writing careers.
and likewise, Ghenet! so excited for your work to get out there in the world :) we miss you at write nite and hope you can make it again soon.
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