Book Blog - Writing Workbooks by Donna

I am not an organized writer.  At least not in the beginning.  I tend to begin a new project by journaling and free writing with not much more direction than a vague idea of the main character and a specific, problematic scene.  Now that CAN'T LOOK AWAY is at the page proof stage, I'm ready to start thinking about big new ideas and I've decided to try a slightly different approach for Book3.  This time I'm combining my free writing with some structure and I'm using two writing workbooks to help.

Donald Maas:  From the Author's Website
Writing the Breakout Novel Workbook: Writing Exercises to Put the Instruction into Action
Maass - Writing the Breakout Novel workbook cover

Building on the success of its predecessor, Writing the Breakout Novel Workbook presents the patented techniques and writing exercises from Maass’s popular writing workshops to offer novelists first-class instruction and practical guidance. You’ll learn to develop and strengthen aspects of your prose. Maass also carefully dissects examples from real-life breakout novels so you’ll learn how to read and analyze fiction like a writer. With authoritative instruction and hands-on workbook exercises, Writing the Breakout Novel Workbook is one of the most accessible novel-writing guides available. Set your work-in-progress apart from the competition and write your own breakout novel today!
Martha Alderson:  From the Author's Website
The Plot Whisperer Workbook: Step-by-Step Exercises to Help You Create Compelling Stories is the second book in the Plot Whisperer series and companion workbook for The Plot Whisperer: Secrets of Story Structure Any Writer Can Master. Turn lackluster plots into irresistible stories! This writing workbook covers everything from constructing spirited action and compelling characters to establishing an unforgettable ending. Develop a successful narrative though a series of exercises that:
  • Help build suspense
  • Incorporate effective subplots
  • Tie up all the loose ends
  • Keep the reader turning pages
  • Filled with essential advice and writing exercises, The Plot Whisperer Workbook will quickly become your go-to guide for crafting a tale worthy of the bestseller list!

    So, when you're stuck and needing something tangible to get you going again, try these exercises.  It just might be what you need (plus a little sunshine).


    A helpful craft book and a little sunshine can surely help get things going in the "write" direction :-)

    I have oft studied Maass' books, both of them, and they've radically helped my writing craft.

    Thank you, Donna, for including the PWWorkbook! Spotted your tweet. Happy plotting...

    Thanks, Donna. I shall be purchasing these.

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