Book Blog - THE ASK AND THE ANSWER by Patrick Ness

After devouring THE KNIFE OF NEVER LETTING GO by Patrick Ness, I held off reading the next book in the Chaos Walking series, THE ASK AND THE ANSWER because, well, you know…I knew it was going to be good and wanted to wait the proper time to savor it.

Recently, it was that time.

And it did not disappoint.

Here’s the blub from the author’s website:

Fleeing before a relentless army, Todd has carried a desperately wounded Viola right into the hands of their worst enemy, Mayor Prentiss. Immediately separated from Viola and imprisoned, Todd is forced to learn the ways of the Mayor's new order.

But what secrets are hiding just outside of town? And where is Viola? Is she even still alive? And who are the mysterious Answer? 

And then, one day, the bombs begin to explode...

The Ask and the Answer is a tense, shocking and deeply moving novel of resistance under the most extreme pressure.

In this story, Ness continues his storytelling mastery by raising the stakes, deepening the characters, and enriching his already rich world. While it posses the same page turning intensity, THE ASK is not a rehash of THE KNIFE, but it’s own tale. In fact, it’s own two tales…since the reader also follows in Viola’s POV.

There’s one last book in the series, MONSTERS OF MEN, and it’s loaded – unopened – on my Kindle. And it’ll remain that way until the next rainy day.

Are there books you’ve waited to read for just the proper moment? Or am I nuts? (wait, don’t answer that). 


You're not nuts because I did the same thing with this trilogy! Patrick Ness is one of my favorite authors--just for these books alone.

If he ever writes something like this again I'll savor every second of it!

Oh. Man. This trilogy is crazy. I'm so glad you went for it. We may have to finally get together and braid each others' hair to talk after you finish book three.

And yeah, I have three or four books I'm waiting to read until just the right time. Some will not be read until milestones are reached, some are waiting for the mood to be right.

I LOVED this trilogy. What an amazing voice Patrick Ness uses to tell Todd's and Viola's story. This makes me want to read them all over again.

I've started The Knife of Never Letting Go and am enjoying it thus far. Can't wait to get to the next books in the series.

Joseph, Glad that I'm not nuts...or, at least, I'm not alone in my quirks!

Ryan, I love the idea of reaching milestones. I try to do that same thing, but my willpower is too weak most the time. Oh, and I'm growing out my hair for our braiding session. Can't wait!

Leslie, once I finish the trilogy, I'll probably restart them. I do that with most of my favorites. I can't tell you how many times I've read the Harry Potters, Wrinkle in Time, or Hitchhiker's Guide (ok, I could, but then everyone would know I'm crazy).

Angela, *high-five* glad that you're enjoying THE KNIFE. It really blew my mind.

Joseph, Glad that I'm not nuts...or, at least, I'm not alone in my quirks!

Ryan, I love the idea of reaching milestones. I try to do that same thing, but my willpower is too weak most the time. Oh, and I'm growing out my hair for our braiding session. Can't wait!

Leslie, once I finish the trilogy, I'll probably restart them. I do that with most of my favorites. I can't tell you how many times I've read the Harry Potters, Wrinkle in Time, or Hitchhiker's Guide (ok, I could, but then everyone would know I'm crazy).

Angela, *high-five* glad that you're enjoying THE KNIFE. It really blew my mind.

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