Fangirling (And Not Just Over a Certain Actor)

Katherine Longshore 11 Tuesday, April 08, 2014
Ever since we came up with the topic of "Fandom", I've been threatening to write an entire post about Benedict Cumberbatch, who swept into the limelight with Sherlock's flappy coattails, and seems to have captured the imaginations (and the hearts) of average citizens all over the world.

And yes, I do find the man himself very appealing.  He's intelligent, extraordinary-looking, and remarkably talented (plus, he can do a pretty fabulous impression of Alan Rickman).  But as yet, none of his other roles make me flap as much when I see him appear onscreen (except for John Harrison/Khan, because, really, how could I not?)

I realized, it is as much the character as the man playing him.  And sure, a lot of how BBC's Sherlock Holmes comes across is dependent on the verve with which he is portrayed.  But equally, a lot of it has to do with the writing.  Steven Moffat and Mark Gatniss reinvented Arthur Conan Doyle's character into something similar, but by the same token, utterly original.  The way Sherlock is written contributes exponentially to my status as a Cumberbitch.

So instead of spending this entire post fangirling over my favorite British actor (though Alan Rickman is right up there...), I thought I'd fangirl over some of the other characters who have propelled themselves into my psyche and left me forever changed.

  • Professor Snape.  Long before the first movie put Alan Rickman's face irrevocably to the name, Snape was one of my favorite characters of all time.  Complex, difficult, brilliant, heartbroken Snape made me want to be a better writer.
  • Beth March.  Louisa May Alcott took a character who was too good to be true and made us fall in love with her.  As much as I love Jo's strength, Amy's brattiness and Meg's sense of purpose, Beth will always be my favorite.  Beth made me want to be a better person.
  • Templeton.  The selfish rat with heart, Templeton tries to stay out of the gossip and problems of the farmyard, complaining every inch of the way when he gets dragged into them.  But Templeton is entirely unapologetic and makes me want to be proud of who I am, even when that's not perfect.
  • Sherlock.  So it's not the entire post, right?  BBC's Sherlock Holmes is wicked smart, highly animated, unabashedly egomaniacal and yet flawed, multi-layered and sympathetic.  Sherlock makes me want to be (and write) smarter.
  • Roar.  I make no bones about being madly in love with Veronica's amazing not-so-much-a-sidekick.  He's charming, handsome, star-crossed and utterly human.  Roar makes me want to fall in love every day.
  • Skinny.  Skinny gave voice (and face--a Goth Tinkerbell) to all the internal battering we give ourselves over perceived imperfections.  She's horrible, cruel, and brilliant.  Skinny makes me want to give myself a break.
  • Berry Fields.  Talia's Elizabeth Bennet-esque character from SPIES AND PREJUDICE has a snappy comeback for everything thrown at her.  She's cynical, witty and utterly lovable.  Berry reminds me that voice can be everything.
  • The Snock.  The very first time I met Bret, he read from a middle-grade adventure story that unfortunately got shelved.  One of his characters was an evil creature made from all the single socks that disappear in the dryer, something I've never forgotten.  The Snock reminds me to let my imagination go wherever it wants, because you never know what might come up.
You might think this post has devolved into nepotism, but I honestly feel that the books by the YA Muses are some of my favorite books out there.  So my fandom extends to all of the YA Muses--the original five as well as Robin, Beth, Kristen, Aaron, Jodi and Lia.  Because they have taught me more about the writing process, characterization, plot, self-editing (and editing the self-criticism) and just plain personhood than I will ever be able to thank them for in a single blog post.  

(And thanks to Mr. Cumberbatch, for the inspiration).


Roar is sending you a very sweet (but possibly also sexy) kiss on the cheek for this, Katy. xoxo

I have to agree with you. Now I have to read those books that I haven't gotten to yet. Skinny was one character that blew me away and forced me to think about myself and my inner voice. Thank you for these well written characters.

The YA Muses books are some of my favorites too! And many of your characters are on my fangirl list, Katy. I may even have booknapped a couple of them...

I just want to hug this post to my chest and sigh with a fangirl's contentment. Simply reading about these characters in a peripheral way (as in, a blog post about them instead of the books where they come to life) makes me happy--that's how powerful they are.

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I may have fangirled over a certain depiction of Thomas Wyatt that reminded me quite a bit of Benedict Cumberbatch. Okay, yes. Yes, I did.

Some of them can stand a little booknapping, Kristen. :)

I agree, Beth! Good characters always make me feel that way.

There may have been a crossover crush going on when I wrote him, Talia...

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